Run Cocotb-Based Unit Tests


The unit tests require Synopsys VCS as simulator. Make sure it’s installed.

You don’t need to install cocotb manually, it’s installed when the tests are run.

Run a single test

Tests are executed using the test/cocotb/cocotb_testrunner tool. The testrunner reads all *.manifest.yaml files describing the test setup, and configures cocotb in a way to run the test with the simulator.

# All commands in this example expect you're in the top-level directory
# of the OSD hardware repository.
cd your_osd_hardware_toplevel_dir

# Run the tests for the STM in non-interactive mode
test/cocotb/cocotb_testrunner modules/stm

# Run tests in cocotb debug mode
# This is especially useful when tests are failing due to Python coding
# errors, as it shows backtraces.
test/cocotb/cocotb_testrunner -l DEBUG modules/stm

Interactively run a test with GUI and waveforms

During test development and bug hunting, you might want to run the unit tests in the VCS GUI to see waveforms and other runtime data. You can use the -g (or --gui) switch to show the GUI during the test run.

# normal log level
test/cocotb/cocotb_testrunner -g modules/stm

# debug log level
test/cocotb/cocotb_testrunner -l DEBUG -g modules/stm

After the GUI shows up,

  • select your top-level DUT in the hierarchical view on the left,
  • press CTRL-4 to open the waveform view, and then
  • press F5 (or go to Simulator, Start/Continue) to start the simulation.

You can see the outputs of the run in the VCS console on the bottom. To re-run the simulation, press F5 twice.


Restarting a simulation picks up all changes made to the Python test code automatically. If you change the HDL code or the test manifest files you need to close VCS and call the test runner again to see your changes.

Run all tests

In addition to running a single test, can also run multiple tests at once.
