SystemVerilog Coding Guidelines

We try to maintain SV compatibility for 4 tools: Verilator, VCS, ISim (the Vivado simulator) and Vivado Synthesizer. To increase the code compatibility, please following the following guidance until tools are improved.

  1. Avoid using arrayed interface any where. (port or inside a module)

    Existing issues in: ISim, Vivado

  2. Avoid using functions/tasks in interfaces.

    Existing issues in: VCS

  3. Avoid using simple names, such as “length”, “size”, “out”, “in”. They can be mistaken into functions.

    Existing issues in: ISim

  4. Avoid “assign” member elements of a struct, use always_comb instead.

    Existing issues in: ISim

  5. Avoid using interface as data buffer inside a module.

    Existing issues in: Potentially all as interface is not supposed to be used in this way.

  6. Avoid using interface to connect multiple hierarchical ports. Such as connect -> ->, where B is a sub-module of A and C is a sub-module of B.

    Existing issues in: ISim (surprisingly it does not support this basic feature!)

  7. Avoid using interface as top-level ports. Interfaces are flattened after synthesis, which causes port mismatch between behavioural DUT and post-syn DUT. Arguably avoid using interface modport. Some tool cannot correctly check the modport input/output definition anyway.

    Existing issues in: ISim(no check), Verilator(no check)

  8. Use always_comb rather than always_comb @(*). Even wild-cased sensitive list is an error in VCS.

    Existing issues in: VCS